Ways of Circumcising

“Circumcision”, the most common method of circumstellizing (cutting along or around the newborn’s head), is the most popular. Many doctors choose to use this technique when performing a newborn’s first check up, or if the parents object. A doctor may perform circumcision in their office or in a hospital setting. …

How Circumcision Benefits Men and Women


Circumcision, the medical procedure of removing the foreskin of the adult male, is commonly known as male circumcision. While the medical term for this procedure is “circumcision,” this is not the only name given to the same procedure. In fact, it is one of the few forms of modern medicine …

Which Circumcision method is best?

This comes from how the vast majority of the world believes that the glans penis is too sensitive and harmless to the child. The child must experience pain. That is the only aspect of this debate that isn’t in doubt. These two sides are now at odds and parents have …